Results of 2023 Boating Hours BallotHello, Ohop Lake community,
This summer, the board of Ohop Lake Improvement Club (OLIC) facilitated an official vote (via mail-in ballot) of all lake owners regarding the topic of “fast hours.” This was done in response to concerns from some residents regarding the current hours, was suggested by our Pierce County Council representative, and was paid for using money from OLIC’s general fund (which is funded by annual dues from lot owners). We just received the results of the official vote from the independent accounting firm that received/secured the ballots and tabulated them: 133 votes to Maintain (keeping “fast hours” as-is, for 4.5 hrs/day from 11am-330pm) 27 votes to Increase (changing “fast hours” to 8 hrs/day from 10am-6pm) (there were also 5 ballots returned without a valid signature – those aren’t included in the official total, but for the record, were 4 for Maintain and 1 for Increase) So, overall, the owners voted in support of the “Maintain” option, by a margin of almost 5-1. Voter response was very strong (77%), with ballots submitted from 165 owners out of a total of 213 ballots sent, and we’re grateful to the owners for their engagement and involvement. Thanks again, and have a great summer! Jason Grotelueschen, OLIC Secretary |
Ohop Lake Safety Committee Boaters Phamphlet |
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